London Horticultural Society

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Downy Woodpecker

Downy woodpeckers are the most common woodpeckers to visit backyard feeders. Males & females are nearly identical, except for the fact that the male has a small red patch on the back of his head.

Downies are the smallest and most abundant woodpecker in North America, living in open wooded areas in cities, suburbs, and farmlands throughout Canada.

Unlike some of their relatives, Downy woodpeckers are comfortable around humans; a Downy may beat a chickadee to a freshly filled feeder or land on a suet block just inches from someone working in their backyard,

The Downy’s closest relative is the Hairy woodpecker which is a few inches larger and has a longer heavier bill. They are difficult to tell apart unless side by side, since they have similar black and white markings and the males both have distinctive red patches on the backs of their head.

About 75% of the Downy woodpecker’s winter and summer diet consists of insects, caterpillars and larvae. They use their small chisel-like bill to peck into soft, rotting wood or under the bark of trees. They also enjoy suet, peanuts and sunflower seeds.

Late winter and early spring are the most important times of the year to feed the birds. Natural food supplies are either depleted or covered in snow. Your backyard birds will really appreciate the food in your feeders right now, and it can really make a difference to their survival on very cold nights.